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NANN's Neonatal News e-newsletter offers subscribers a weekly summary of professional news, trends, and updates. Opt in to have the latest news in neonatal nursing sent directly to your inbox each week. Read top recent stories:
- New Medical Guidelines Released to Improve Health Outcomes of Premature Babies
New guidelines to improve the long-term care of preterm babies are expected to result in better health outcomes for babies and parents. Experts say the strategies will address gaps and minimise growth, health and developmental problems. - How Does Prenatal Cannabis Use Affect Neonatal Outcomes?
In the U.S., the use of recreational cannabis has risen following widespread decriminalization and legalization in many states. This is reflected in increasing use among various sub-populations, including pregnant individuals. - RBC Transfusion and Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Very Preterm Infants
This study explores the relationship between Packed red blood cell transfusion and necrotizing enterocolitis in very preterm infants. Data from the Chinese Neonatal Network cohort study showed an uneven distribution of time intervals between prior transfusion and NEC. Out of 16,494 infants, 7.7% developed NEC after transfusion, with 36.4% occurring within 2 days.